Tribute to George Smith

I spent time with George Smith and William Clarke with my friends in LA 1982 for three weeks. Both George and Bill inspired me to start playing both diatonic and chromatic bluesharmonica for real.

Click here and read more about my “bluestrip” to LA in 1982, just a year before George passed away.


Helge Tallqvist & Groovy Eyes "plays George Harmonica Smith" QCD-1004

Click here to listen to audio clip


It is great that you did a George Smith tribute project. I knew George fairly well and I’m sure he’d be thrilled to see that someone so far away remembers and honors his legacy with such care. Blues harp fans should be very excited about this cd and I hope it does well for you and for George’s memory”. Dick Shurman, USA.

Congratulations. I certainly hope this has been well received and that it brings George some of his deserved recognition. You have done a good piece of work”. Bruce Iglauer, Chicago.

I knew George pretty well personally as well as musically and I do believe this cd would do him very proud”. Doug MacLeod, CA.